Babies who refer on newborn screening.
Babies and children identified with hearing levels from mild to profound, including unilaterial loss.
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Babies who refer on newborn hearing screening
Information for hospital screeners, discharge coordinators, nurses, audiologists, pediatricians, primary care providers, medical assistants, midwives, early intervention providers, nurse practitioners, case managers, and others.
Arizona Hands & Voices- Guide By Your Side offers a specific service for families throughout Arizona whose babies referred on newborn hearing screening. The baby has been identified as needing follow up to determine if hearing loss is present. Unfortunately, many mothers are discharged from the hospitals and their babies are not seen again until much later; in some cases, the babies are seen as toddlers without any language or as kindergarteners with severely delayed speech.
Guide By Your Side Follow Through is a program designed to support families through the process from a referred newborn screen to confirmed diagnosis of normal hearing or hearing loss.
Follow Through Guides contact families by phone. Follow Through Guides are parents who have gone through the screening process in Arizona and understand the ins and outs of the referral process, insurance, and how screenings are performed. If a Follow Through Guide is stumped, she knows where to turn to get current, correct information for families. Follow Through Guides also understand the second-guessing, anxiety, denial, fear, and confusion that many parents experience when learning that their baby referred on newborn screening.
Follow Through Guides work in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Health Services Office of Newborn Screening to provide follow up for families. This collaboration ensures that families are not burdened with phone calls from overlapping agencies.
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Babies and children who have been identified with hearing levels from mild to profound, including unilateral loss.
Information for teachers, aides, therapists, nurses, audiologists, pediatricians, primary care providers, medical assistants, early intervention providers, nurse practitioners, IEP coordinators, sign language instructors, Special Education directors, SLPs, case managers, and others.
Guide By Your Side (GBYS) ™is a program from Hands & Voices (H&V) that provides emotional support and unbiased information from trained Parent Guides to other families and to the systems that serve them. GBYS is a trademarked program of H&V that is available through Arizona Hands & Voices, an authorized H&V chapter. The GBYS program is offered at no cost to families.
Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side™ is a replicable family support program that embodies the mission of Hands & Voices ™, which is to provide unbiased support to families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Guide By Your Side (GBYS) does this through specially trained parents of children with deafness or hearing loss who work as “Guides” directly with families who have just learned their child cannot hear, or who have older children and are in need of the unique support that comes from someone else who has walked this path him/herself and can share from direct experience and wisdom.
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