We are currently in the process of recruiting Parent Guides for the Arizona Hands & Voices-Guide By Your Side Program.
Parent Guides are parents of children with hearing loss and are therefore uniquely able to work with parents of newly diagnosed children who are deaf and hard of hearing, by providing up to 6 hours of home visits to meet our program goals. When a child is identified with a hearing loss, the GBYS Program Coordinator links a Parent Guide with the identified family and Parent Guides initiate a home visit within 2 weeks of the referral. Parent Guides are part-time paid contractors of Arizona Hands & Voices. Parent Guides are expected to attend an initial weekend training and subsequent weekend trainings and case consultations approximately 2-3 times per year. Parent Guides are paid to attend these trainings.
At this time, we are looking for Parent Guides outside of the Phoenix and Tucson areas and Bilingual Parent Guides (Spanish and ASL). The following forms can be downloaded: Parent Guide Job Description; Parent Guide Application form; Questions to Consider when Applying to become a Parent Guide ; Parent Guide Letter of Reference form and a GBYS brochure. Please remember that interpreters will be provided for the interview process. We hope that you might consider applying for this position. In addition, we would appreciate your assistance in helping us to “spread the word” by contacting other parents that you know and believe would make effective Parent Guides. Our success in recruiting parents depends upon you. Please forward this letter to any parents and/or professionals who may have contact with parents.
The Arizona Hands & Voices-Guide By Your Side (GBYS) program is designed to provide emotional support and specialized, unbiased knowledge from trained parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Application process:
- Read the Parent Guide Job Description.
- Read Questions to Consider when Applying to become a Parent Guide
- Complete the Parent Guide Application (download and print) or submit online.
- Give the Parent Guide Letter of Reference form, along with a copy of the Parent Guide Job Description, to your two references.
- If you have questions or need special accommodations, please contact:
Program Coordinator at GBYS@azhv.org or (866) 685-1050 voice.